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Alberta Education Survey - Open until midnight on March 21, 2025

4723 - 49th St Alix, Alberta, T0C 0B0
P: 403.747.2778

Mr. Adrian Paolinelli, Principal                     Mr. Malcolm Tisdale, Assistant Principal

February 25, 2025

Dear Parents/Guardians in Gr 4, 7, 10: 

Every year Alberta Education sends out a survey to parents/guardians of students in Gr 4, 7, 10 to gather feedback on the following three areas: 1st- Welcome, caring, respectful and safe learning environments, 2nd- Student Learning Engagement, 3rd- Parental Involvement in their child’s education. The following link will connect you to this survey, Alberta Education Survey and we would appreciate it if you completed the survey.  Last year we had 30 parents respond to this survey and were extremely grateful for this feedback. These parent responses are important because they:


  • help us guide the direction of future school policy and student planning.
  • are an important indicator in reports back to the community and staff as part of Wolf Creek Public Schools Assurance Model 


The following letter from Alberta Education outlines the purpose of this survey and explains the administration of the survey. Specifically, it outlines that each parent will receive a RAC (random access code) to complete the survey. The RAC will be emailed to you individually in a separate email from the school. 


Throughout the survey there is a likert scale used on each question with the following responses: 

Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied, or Don’t Know, and thus your response will be one of these choices. We strongly encourage parents to answer the survey as truthfully and honestly as possible and want to inform you that if you select “Don’t Know” it will register as Dissatisfied; if you are dissatisfied please answer accordingly. In an attempt to receive the most accurate data and reduce the number of don’t know responses we have provided you with this information. 


In addition, to help parents answer the survey we have created the following slide deck that explains the individual survey measures as well as several specific examples of how we at Alix MAC School address each measure. 


Slide Deck with additional information and examples 


We appreciate your willingness to continue to work with us at Alix MAC School as we work together as an Educational Team to provide the best possible learning environment for your children. 




Alix MAC Administration Team

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