Registration for the 2025-2026 school year for kindergarten and new students Grade 1 to 12 is now open ONLINE
NEW students ONLY.
2024-2025 for current school year or 2025-2026 for next school year (Sept. 2025)
If you have any questions, please call the office at 403-747-2778 and ask for Mrs. Lacroix.
Please Note: A copy of original birth certificate and any other pertinent legal documentation, such as custody or guardianship orders, MUST accompany registration.
Age Requirement: Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2025. (Wolf Creek Public Schools Policy #300)
Returning students currently enrolled in Alix-MAC School: You will receive and email in August, 2025, to update your returning student information to ensure we have the most up-to-date information for the 2025-2026 school year. These forms need to be completed as soon as possible.
Online Registration Link:
*Don't forget to write down your username and password as you will require this information in the future.*
NEW STUDENTS ONLY (Grades K - 12): Click the registration link and then click to create an account. Don't forget to attach a copy of an original birth certificate.
Click on the link to School Engage Login and then click create account. Please select a password that you will remember as you will require this to log in to your Parent Portal once it is set up. Write down your username and password for future use!!!!
You will receive a confirmation email from Wolf Creek Public Schools.
You will have to go to your email and confirm before you can continue with the registration form.
Fill in all of the required information for the registration form. If you require busing, please ensure you select "request a Transportation form" inside of your registration form. You will require your legal land description and blue sign information.
Once you have completed the form, click on submit and you will receive an email confirming your registration. If you need to register another student, click on the "Add Student" button and complete that form and submit.
Welcome to Alix-MAC School!
Having trouble registering?
Please review the New Student Registration Guide.
Or you can call the school at 403-747-2778 and ask for Mrs. Helen Lacroix
Please log in to Parent Portal and scroll down and click on School Engage on the left-hand side.
1. Fill out a new student form for 2025-2026 if this is the first time your child has attended school. Please make sure you select the correct school year.
2. Fill out an incomplete form if your child is returning to us from the previous year.
Students who live in the country and are new to rural busing OR have moved to a new rural location are required to register for transportation. All rural kindergarten students must be registered to ride the bus. Your full legal land description AND complete blue sign are required to register.
Register online using your parent portal or through School Engage when you register. Deadline for registering is June 1, 2025.
For more information, please visit Wolf Creek Public Schools Transportation Services
Contact information: email: or phone 403-785-0726
Pay Fees Online:
Step 1: Click here to connect to the Parent Portal
Student and Parent Sign in
Step 2: If you don't already have an account set up, select "Create an Account" and follow the steps. To register your child when you create your account you will need each student's Access ID and password. These can be accessed by going in to the school or having the school mail them to you.
Step 3: Once your account is created and your students are added you can login and access their profiles for Jr/Sr High course marks, attendance and school fees.